Careers Feedback

Youth Residential

Youth Residential

Youth Residential is a residential care program that supports young people with complex needs.

We provide 24/7 support to people up to the age of 18 who either have trauma-based behaviours due to exposure of family domestic violence, alcohol and other drugs or are at-risk of engaging with the justice system.

Depending on the complexity of the young person’s needs, the staff to client ratios vary from either 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1.

The program helps to empower young people to be their best and reach their potential. We are person-centred and have a non-judgemental approach.

Our clients are based around the state and places are not limited to those just in Perth.

How can I join?

Call us on 6263 8622.

Here to support

How can we help?

We can help with things like:

Icon Developing daily life skills
Icon Building confidence
Icon Building relationships
Icon Linking with training and education
Icon Preparing to enter the workforce

Permanent Part-Time Roster

Explore the Outcare Youth Residential Permanent and Part Time roster for information surrounding our employee contract hours.

View the roster

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