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Sisters of St John of God Women’s Program

Sisters of St John of God Women’s Program

Sisters of St John of God Women’s Program supports women in their final nine months in custody and up to two years post-release.

The program focuses on helping women transition back into the community by assisting with vital foundations such as transitional housing, employment, reconnecting with family and accessing other services.

St John of God Women’s program is available to all women at Bandyup Women’s Prison, Wandoo Rehabilitation Prison and Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women.

During the pre-release stage, we assess the women’s needs to address their offending behaviour. We collaborate with the person to create an individualised support plan prioritising the best outcomes.

We deliver a person-centred approach, providing holistic support to the women that we work with. We provide advocacy with the Government agencies, mental health, FDV and AOD services.

Our main goal is to remove the barriers preventing our clients from succeeding in the community.

How can I join?

Call us on 6263 8622 or speak with your Transition Manager.

Here to support

How can we help?

We can help with things like:

Icon Finding a home
Icon Helping to engage with family
Icon Alcohol and drug support
Icon Mental and physical health
Icon Accessing training or employment

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